The Richest Brothers in Indonesia, Michael Hartono and R. Budi

The name of brothers, Michael Hartono and R. Budi are the richest brothers in Indonesia. They are brothers from Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia. They have already chosen as richest brothers for fifth year. There are some reasons why they finally are chosen as the richest brothers in Indonesia. People can see from their asset.

They have one of largest private bank in Indonesia, Bank Central Asia. This bank now has more than 20,000 employees. Budi’s son now also has important role as director in this Bank. They are not only famous in banking field business only. They are famous because of tobacco business.

Their names are famous as the owner of kretek maker Djarum. It is famous cigarette’s brand in Indonesia and every day there are lots of cigarettes are sold in Indonesia. It means they get profit every day. Banking and Tobacco are not the only businesses that they have. They also have other business in telecommunication field with Sarana Menara Nusantara. They are chosen as the richest brothers in Indonesia because they have more than $15,000 Million asset. There are some other businesses that they have. They still become the richest brothers for this year and there is no person can replace their position.