Anthony Salim and Family

The name of Anthony Salim in business is very famous. All people often heard his name because he is very famous in food business. He is head of Salim Group now and he is called as a conglomerate in some fields of business. He is famous with food business, property business, banking business and also telecommunication business. People who often consume food products from Indofood then must know that Anthony Salim is the head of Indofood Sukses Makmur. Indofood Sukses Makmur is very famous because it is the largest instant noodle producer in the world. The products have already sold in Brazil and some other countries in the world.

The other business such as Indoritel Makmur International also provides bigger profit every day. That is why he is called as number three of Indonesia’s richest for this time. Now his age is 65 and he has three children that also help him to handle all companies. He is coming from Jakarta, Indonesia and he is now is top three Indonesia’s richest based on Forbes Magazine with total asset $ 6,300 Million. There are some other achievements of him. He becomes of one of most influence people in Indonesia now. You still can check the detail profile in some sources.